How bad does it have to get before you’re convinced that the person you’re dealing with is never, ever going to change? And how much more hurtful behavior has...
Every wonderful aspect of you can diminish when you are with a toxic person. They find ways to convince you that you are unworthy and unlovable so that you...
If you told a “normal” person they were being emotionally abusive, you’d think they’d back off and re-evaluate their behavior. After all, people who care about you don’t want...
Some people become highly defensive or offensive when they want to hide something from you, or lie to you, or don’t want to be vulnerable with you, because it’s...
The two sides of emotional abuse are the perpetrator and the victim. Sometimes the victim can’t tell if there’s abusive behavior or just normal relationship difficulties. Sometimes the hurtful...
There’s a point when there has been enough abusive behavior where you decide you’re no longer going to stand for it and it’s time to take the next right...
When you’re around those who always put you down with hurtful words or threats that they’ll never talk to you again, but they never follow through with it, it...
Some hurtful behavior can have a secondary benefit to the person hurting you. Some behaviors can cause you to react in such a way that brings the hurtful person...
Dealing with a manipulative and controlling relationship is bad enough, but what happens when the person doing the bad behavior is also dealing with addiction? What if the addiction...
What is one of the most effective forms of emotional abuse? When the abusive person takes everything that empowers you away from you. All your tools and resources become...