Does your relationship leave you confused and upset?

The M.E.A.N. Workbook: An Assessment and Healing Guide for Difficult Relationships

Clear the confusion and pinpoint the behaviors that are making you crazy, then find your way back to sanity!

Available as PDF download for $39 – A Deeper Learning resource brought to you by The Overwhelmed Brain, LLC

If you have any trouble purchasing, here’s a direct link to the checkout page.

If you’ve discovered you are doing emotionally abusive behaviors and want to change that,
click here for the Healed Being program

I just wanted to reach out and thank you for making the M.E.A.N workbook available… I first purchased it about a year and a half ago when I started to very seriously consider that something was wrong with my relationship. The workbook and quiz was so clear cut and concise, that it really left no room for doubt… I’m pretty blown away by how quickly I’ve healed and how much better my life is


Thank you. This truly has saved me.


Would you know if you were being manipulated or emotionally abused?

The only workbook that helps you pinpoint the specific behaviors that make you feel bad. Emotional abuse is insidious and hard to identify.

Do you…

  • …often feel guilty?
  • …get blamed or made to feel responsible for most, if not all the problems in the relationship?
  • …feel like you’re walking on eggshells?
  • …pick your words carefully so as not to upset the other person?
  • …have trouble figuring out what makes the other person happy?
  • …often wish the other person would validate your thoughts and feelings?
  • …feel your boundaries being violated?
  • …hear from the other person that you are the cause of all the problems in the relationship?
  • …see a much different side of that person than your family and friends?
  • …find it difficult to get your emotional needs met by that person?
  • …seek empathy from that person but rarely, if ever, get it?
  • …often get told by the other person that you misunderstood what they said or that you aren’t thinking clearly?
  • …want to believe that person has your best interest in mind (but it never seems to work out in your favor)?

If any of these resonate, this workbook will pinpoint exactly how you are being manipulated and/or emotionally abused. If you have not done this type of assessment before, you may be very surprised as you learn more about yourself and the other person than ever. You may also feel liberated to learn that you are not going crazy.

If you are the perpetrator of hurtful behavior and you’d like to change that about yourself, sign up for the Healed Being program.

…my husband got a score under 20 and my score was in the low 80’s – 4 times higher than his. What an eye opener!


*Will appear as a $39 charge from Gumroad on your credit card statement

Emotional abuse can be so subtle and hard to identify. Quite often, friends and family will not see the abuse or manipulation you’re experiencing and might even call you crazy for suggesting it.

The longer you stay in an emotionally abusive relationship, the crazier you will feel.

If you are experiencing what you believe to be emotional abuse from a partner or spouse, family member, or friend, this workbook is for you.

An affirming checklist of signs and symptoms will help you identify specific behaviors that determine your M.E.A.N. score. This score will tell you just how enmeshed you are in a manipulative and emotionally abusive relationship.

Think of it as a score on an emotional abuse “test.” The higher you score, the more control and manipulation you are probably experiencing. For an example of the assessment, click here.

The assessment helps you learn exactly what the other person is doing to make you feel so bad all the time. Most victims cannot tell how someone is emotionally abusing them. They just know something isn’t right with the relationship.

I knew something was wrong. I knew that the way he was treating me, things he was saying to me weren’t right and should never be said to anyone.


I love the way you teach and write. The workbook has helped me tremendously so far!


By the time you’re done taking the assessment, reading through the material, and listening to the important and informative conversations with survivors and experts, along with the bonus audio interviews and education on emotional abuse, you’ll not only be able to recognize and ascertain exactly how you are being manipulated, but you’ll also have the tools you need to help you with your next steps – whether you choose to stay in a relationship with that person or not.

At a minimum, you’ll understand exactly what is happening in the relationship that keeps it from growing and moving past the difficulties. When you know what’s happening, you can communicate more clearly your needs with the other person.

Get the workbook and determine where the relationship stands, and whether it’s too late to save it or not. If you are unhappy more than you are happy, start the healing journey of increasing self-worth and self-esteem so that you can begin trusting your decisions and instincts again.

Emotionally reconnect with yourself by learning what components make up a toxic relationship versus a healthy one.

I found your workbook concise, pointed and I love that you said the things that need to be said out loud, things I truly needed to hear.


This show and the workbook really helped me decide to bail on a long-toxic relationship. It Also helped get Me through the emotional fallout that comes once you’ve pulled the plug


Download includes:

  • A 200-point assessment of signs and symptoms to categorize the level of manipulation and abuse you may be experiencing
  • An evaluation of the current state of the relationship based on your MEAN score
  • Three insightful and powerful audio conversations with manipulation survivors and experts, plus three bonus audios, including a guided visualization
  • Insightful questions and considerations at the end of each section designed to help you ponder possibilities and reflect on what you’re learning – about yourself and the relationship
  • A robust resources web page containing all the workbook links, related podcast episodes, bonus audio tracks, an important Terminology section that will help you label what you’re experiencing, and so much more
  • Bonus tools, including a “perfect partner” worksheet (which can be used for any type of relationship) and a self-empowerment checklist for continuing the healing and growth process
  • Upgrade available at checkout: Lifetime Access to a private, anonymous peer-support discussion group off of social media (login required to ensure your privacy)


Download the workbook that finally helps you pinpoint what you’ve been experiencing in your relationship

I just took your assessment and got a score of 105… I was surprised to learn that I did a lot of the things on that list to him too.


Ticking the boxes brought my own lack of emotional boundaries into sharp focus for me… I will certainly be revisiting your book again over the coming months as I process


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